Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers- 2022

An Extra-ordinary Minister of the Holy Communion, as the word itself implies, means a Lay person who voluntarily undertakes the duty to dispense the Eucharist to the sick and housebound parishioners and also assists in the distribution of Holy Communion at Masses.
Parishioners opting for this Ministry should basically be daily Mass goers who love the Eucharist and are of a good reputation. They must know the true value the Eucharist has in our daily lives in order to pass on this sacredness to the people they visit. This voluntary job is a very great responsibility and involves total commitment.
Eucharistic Ministers also visit different hospitals where a parishioner has been admitted. They also accompany the parish Fathers to the housebound for Confession before Christmas and Easter or whenever requested for.
Once a year a special Mass is celebrated for the sick and housebound who can make it to church. They are assisted for this purpose by a band of dedicated well-wishers who bring them by car to the church. After Mass a short fellowship with refreshments is organized.
Eucharistic Ministers also attend recollections and talks preached on the benefits of the Eucharist which are held at different churches from time to time. At present Holy Communion is distributed every week to nearly 100 housebound persons in our parish.
Contact Person
Bernard Fernandes
Norma Periera
Gracy Mendonca