Grottos of the Parish

An Irishman, John Kelly, replicated the Grotto of Lourdes at his own expense in 1929 on his return from a pilgrimage to Lourdes. The statue of St. Bernadette was also placed in the grotto at that time. The grotto originally stood near the school basement facing the present school canteen. Mass was celebrated at the grotto every 11th of February until Fr. Scipiao Braganza passed away.

The architecture of the old grotto was replicated for the new one constructed at the main entrance to the church. The old grotto was broken down to make place for the school basement and school hall above it in 1968 (to mark the centenary of the Church 1858-1968).

The Sherly Grotto
The beautiful grotto of Our Lady, is very much a replica of the grotto at Lourdes. The grotto was erected in the memory of late Rev. J. I. D’Silva on May 1, 1914. Subsequently, the statue of St. Bernadette was presented and the grotto was extended by Ms. Anna Henriques, sister of late Rev. J. I. D’Silva in 1925. The care and administration of the grotto and cross are entrusted to Mr. Ignatius D’Silva, Mr. Hubert D’Silva, Mr. Anthony D’Silva, and Mr. Joseph D’Silva. The Rosary is recited every year in the months of May and October, and from February 2 – 10, with a Mass at the grotto on 11thFebruary, each year.

The Rajan Grotto
Fr. Louis Sebastian Pereira built this grotto in 1956 beside the cottage where he lived so that he could say Mass daily there. He financed the grotto from his personal funds. On October 21, 2006 there was a Mass celebrated to mark the Golden Jubilee. Masses were celebrated by Fr. Prax Pereira, Fr. Antonio Fernandes and Fr. Savio Rodrigues during the triduum which was attended in large numbers by family, neighbours and parishioners.