Hope & Life Movement
St Anne’s Unit Of the Hope and Life Movement was inaugurated in June 1987. It is a Movement for widows.
AIM: to help widows find their identity and emotional stability.
Meeting up with others who share a common loss helps to get back confidence and move on.
Praying for one another & comforting one another is also very helpful.
Regular meetings are held at 5:00pm every Third Thursday of the month at Prithikunj Convent, Carter Road.
Mass, Bible-sharing, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, talk by the Spiritual Director.
Average attendance at every meeting is 25. Followed by a Fellowship at which Birthdays are celebrated. A game of Housie is conducted which is the main attraction.
All activities organised by the Central Comm Esp Annual Day Pilgrimages,Recollections and Picnics are attended by our Parish group.
During Christmas and Easter we reach out to the home-bound with sweets.
Celebrate Christmas with fun and games at some institutions.
Annual visits are made to the Clergy Home.
A contribution of Rs.1000/- is given annually to St. Francis Xavier School, Sherly.
Contact person: Mrs. Antoinette Pereira – Cell: 9821581423
To view the news item on the 25th anniversary celebration, click here