The Legion Of Mary

The Legion of Mary has 12 active members and has
Fr. David Michael as its Spiritual Director.
The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff on 7th September 1921 in Dublin, Ireland and is in almost every country.
The objective of the Legion of Mary, is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary's and the Church's work.
Each unit is called a Praesidium and our Praesidium is called Mother of the Church.
Works undertaken:
The Legion visits the sick and housebound as well as other parishioners to inform them to do the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart or to recruit active or Auxiliary members. Auxiliary members do not attend regular meetings, they are "prayer wings" of the Legion of Mary, providing spiritual support to active members.
Visitation of hospitals and institutions
Outreach work at Mount Mary Basilica during September where we assist the nuns, in the intercessory prayer group, or give catholic literature and Bibles free of cost to non-Christians who show interest in the Christian faith.
The Legion of Mary meets every Tuesdays at 5.45 p.m. in the parlour.
Contact person:
Greta Noronha (President)
Bernadette Fernandes (Vice President)
Marie Ramos (Secretary)
Vida Saldanha (Treasurer)