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9th March, 2025

1.    Through LENTEN ALMS, we support St. Pius Seminary, Goregaon.  Please drop your generous contributions in the box placed near Sacred Heart Statue. Cheques to be drawn in favour of ‘Archdiocese of Bombay’.

2.    This Lent, St Anne's Church is focusing on the Carbon Fast concept, where parishioners are encouraged to reflect on the digital poster sent weekly through the parish broadcast and take simple steps towards a Green Lenten season. This week's theme is on Food. 

3.    The youth of our parish have prepared a Family Lenten calendar. Each family can identify one good deed or activity to be followed as a unit each day of this Lenten season.  There is a pre-filled template as well for reference. Request all families of our parish to follow it through the season and bring a copy of their filled calendar on Good Friday after the stations or the evening service. Calendars of selected families with good deeds on most days will be displayed on the notice board.  Let us make this Lenten season meaningful and prayerful.

4.    Parishioners who have permanent family graves at St. Andrew’s Church Cemetery are requested to produce a photocopy of the duly stamped affidavit, when you approach St. Andrew’s Church, for the burial.

Posters for the following announcements are displayed at the Meet & Greet Area

5.    Dimensions Global Christian Chamber of Commerce is organizing ‘Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs’ on Saturday, 22nd March.

6.    The Bandra Gymkhana is conducting a seminar in association with Holy Family Hospital on Saturday, 22nd March from 6.00 p.m. 

7.    Connections Ministry is organizing a ‘Meet Greet Connect’ for singles on 30th March.

8.    Hobby Course (Technical) for SSC / HSC / College Students – Joseph Cardijn Technical Institute offers a month-long technical trade training to know the basics of welding / fabrication, electrical, car servicing and carpentry which will give them an orientation into the technical field.  This course is open to students of all faith.

9.    St. Andrew’s College of Hotel Management announces Admissions for courses in Hotel Management & Catering Technology, and Hospitality Studies.

10.    Our collection last Sunday, 2nd March, 2025 amounted to Rs.58,760/-.  Thank you and God Bless.


Regular Mass Schedule
Sundays: 8:15 AM, 9:30 AM, 6:00 PM          
Saturdays: 6:30 AM, 7:00 PM


Daily Mass
Mondays – Fridays: 6:30 AM, 7:00 PM


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